You have now arrived at the next 4 steps of our 12 Steps to a Better Body.

At Better Body we believe in a healthy mind is a healthy body.

The mind is a powerful instrument and can truly work magic when you understand the power of focused thought coupled with the control and force of emotion.

In our 12 Steps to a Better Body you will now learn the importance of detoxing your poor mental thoughts and addictive habits and transform them into clearer focused intentions that will empower you for the rest of your life.
Just like exercising, it can be real tough in the beginning exercising those mental muscles but when you get to see changes happening almost instantaneously, you will be absolutely astounded at the progress you will make in creating and manifesting anything and everything you have needed to make you happy in your life.

Your personal mission statement is included and the testing and questionnaire will require you to dedicate 3-4 hours of total quiet and relaxation to allow you to be true to yourself and pull some of those deep connected memories out of your subconscious.
However, we can guarantee when you do this….your life will change dramatically!

To continue your next 4 steps click here

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