In this section:


Our bodies are very similar to the functioning of our cars. Every year we are advised to visit our doctor for a yearly checkup...blood pressure, cholesterol, pap smear, mammograms, etc...just like bringing the car in for its yearly check over...rotate the tires, grease and oil, tune up, check the air filter, exhaust pipe etc. The good news about our car is that at anytime, we can at least trade it in for a new model.

Unfortunately, we can't do the same with our body! Taking care in the nutritional maintenance of our bodies in order to enjoy a healthier life and longer life span should be every woman's highest priority, not only for herself but as an example for her children to follow. At Better Body our basic philosophy is 'a healthy mind in a healthy body'. We advocate "Self Care is Health Care”.

Actually, very few women really understand how their bodies work other than the basic function of reproduction which stares us in the face with the...onset of menses...not wanting to get pregnant...wanting to get pregnant...can't get pregnant...and menopause.

Apart from that, many of us don't really know much about how our body actually functions other than "fat blockers" will attach themselves to that big piece of chocolate cheesecake we just ate with a synthetically created chemical called "Chitosan" and this will eliminate the fat we just ate so we get to stay thin!

Bingo! Nothing more to know, right?

Knowing a little bit of science can lengthen your life!

For starters, life is nothing but energy, with the basic building blocks of all living things being cells, and the most important element to cells which allows us to generate energy is oxygen! Blood is the body's transporting system, carrying vital nutrients to our cells and transporting waste away from our cells. Cells will become weak, die or mutate when denied oxygen, water or nutrients!

Therefore, oxygen, water and nutrients (vitamins, minerals, and enzymes) are absolutely essential for a healthy mind and a healthy body.

Just like our planet earth, our bodies contain over two thirds water. Each of our cells is constantly bathed in a watery fluid and many metabolic processes need to take place in water. Even a tiny, temporary shortage of water can disrupt your body's functions.

When working out, especially exercising outdoors, watch for dehydration. Take care to increase your water budget before, during and after these periods of physical exertion and make sure your water is pure. Distilled water is a perfect choice. It is most important to take in water, juice, or an electrolyte drink during your workout to maintain fluid needs. Don't wait until you are thirsty.

Interestingly, if there is one subject all women can relate to it would probably be water retention. When you don't get the water you need, your body holds onto the water it has. Believe it or not, the cure against retaining fluid is to drink more water!

Water is the most important catalyst in losing weight and keeping it off. It naturally suppresses appetite and helps your body metabolize stored fat. Many American women have reduced their intake of fats to the point that their bodies don't hold and use the water they do take in. Low water intake causes fat deposits to increase - more water intake actually reduces fat deposits. If you are overweight, the more body fat you have, the less system water you have. Larger women have larger metabolic loads - they need more water.

Hormones are not just about sex!

Hormones are our chemical messengers of all our endocrine glands which include the pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenals, pancreas and ovaries. Our endocrine glands are central to the regulation and normalization of all our bodies' complex interconnected systems from metabolism to heat production to uterine preparation for pregnancy.

The importance of vitamins & minerals in the production of hormones

To make hormones our bodies need specific nutrients of vitamins and minerals. These are hard to find in our diet today due to our diminished intake of plant food in the average American daily diet and the deficiency of minerals in the American soil today.

Why do women need vitamins?

Vitamins build your body!

There are 13 recognized vitamins that cannot be made by your body in sufficient amounts so they must be obtained from your diet. Vitamins are produced by plants and animals and are essential to promote the growth of your blood cells, hormones, nervous system and all the cells and tissues of your body. They are kind of like the ignition switch that sparks the fuel and keeps the engine going. A deficiency of vitamins interferes with many of your body's processes.

Why women need minerals?

Minerals remove waste! Minerals originate from the soil and are found in small amounts in your body. They are the catalysts of all your bodily processes and help to remove waste products. They provide structure to your bones and participate in muscle contraction, blood formation, building protein, energy production and numerous other body processes. Important: A large intake of one mineral can produce a deficiency in another.

Why women need enzymes?

Enzymes breakdown the food you eat! Your body contains more than 700 types of enzymes, each one responsible for a different task. A shortage of even one type can dramatically affect your health. Without enzymes, food could not be digested. Enzymes are abundant in fresh, raw foods. However, they cannot survive at temperatures higher than 122 degrees F, which means that they won't exist in cooked foods. The best sources of enzymes are fresh fruits and vegetables.

If your daily diet consists of mainly cooked foods then you need to be taking enzyme supplements! As your body ages you become less efficient at producing enzymes for the process of breaking down your food therefore it is very important to take enzyme supplements to assist your body in normal digestive functions. No mineral, vitamin or hormone in your body can do any work without ENZYMES!

What are Free Radicals and Antioxidants?

Free radicals in your body are like terrorists on the rampage. Search and destroy is their mission and are responsible for a variety of crimes that lead to heart disease, cancer, arthritis, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease, wrinkles and the process of aging itself. Free radicals are found in air pollution, fried foods, tobacco smoke, and normal metabolic processes. Free radicals attack cell membranes, proteins and even the genetic code within cells.

The chain reaction of destruction is much like the process called oxidation that rusts metal or turns butter rancid, and in our bodies the end result is damaged, devitalized or dead cells. You can't avoid free radicals but you can combat them with antioxidants. Your body has an elaborate antioxidant defense system comprised of enzymes, vitamins and minerals whose job it is to block the action of free radicals.

Boosting your body's antioxidant system takes effort. Most women don't eat enough fruits, vegetables, and other antioxidant-rich foods when they're young. That is why you must stockpile your antioxidant defense system so it is well armed every day. A woman's best defense system is combining diet with supplements.

At Better Body, we take a more scientific approach to the state of your present health by assessing your metabolism and your biochemical makeup. We believe everyone has a unique biochemistry that is as unique as your fingerprints. Once we establish your individual blueprint you are well on the way to taking control of your health and increasing your life span by age-proofing your body. Four questionnaires including a brief family health history, your personal health history, your current symptoms and your reproductive system will help you learn more about your body.


After completion of our Better Body Blueprint several tests are performed to pinpoint vitamin and mineral deficiencies. These deficiencies may be a result of a poor diet, but in most cases they are caused by metabolic blockages within your system. A metabolic blockage can act like a brick wall that prevents your body getting back into balance and functioning at its optimum level. Each test presents important clues about the underlying nutritional causes blocking better health and vitality.


The following nutritional tests are provided to establish your individual biochemical makeup:

"Free Radical" Testing

The OxiData Urine Test is 50 times more sensitive than blood serum free radical tests and less expensive. Free radical damage can lead to cell degeneration, initiating a host of diseases such as: fatigue, allergies, arthritis, elevated cholesterol, and degenerative disease. This accurate urine test indicates the actual degree of damage to the cells caused by free radical activity.

"Adrenal Stress" Testing

This is a specialized urine test that measures the amount of chloride displaced into the urine. Excess chloride in the urine is a reliable measurement of adrenal stress or adrenal fatigue. Chronic fatigue, depression, loss of sex drive, headaches and joint pain are common symptoms seen with adrenal gland imbalances.

"Vitamin C Deficiency" Testing

Vitamin C is crucial to the health of the immune system, vascular system, and connective tissue, and is a powerful antioxidant. Vitamin C is essential for growth and promotes healing. We cannot produce vitamin C and must be supplied in the diet. This test can determine your current vitamin C supplement is being properly utilized by your body.

"Calcium Deficiency" Testing

Calcium is an essential mineral for many cellular functions, as well as for healthy bone development. This test looks at the levels of calcium in the urine and its significance. Nearly 99% of your body calcium is found in the bones and teeth with the remaining 1% found in the blood, lymph and other body fluids. With this test we can determine if your calcium levels are low, normal or too high.

"Malabsorption of Protein, Carbohydrates & Fats" Testing

Proper elimination is essential to good health. An under active, sluggish bowel leads to an accumulation of toxic material which can be absorbed into the bloodstream. Dysbiosis or altered gut flora can be the cause of digestive disturbances, inflammatory conditions and food allergies. This test detects intestinal toxemia and dysbiosis.

"Chemstrip Urine" Testing

This test is used to screen for serious health problems such as diabetes, infections, liver disease and kidney disease.

"Acid/Alkaline Balance" Testing

This test helps to detect deep levels of physical and mental stress. When highly stressed, the body becomes acidic, which in turn displaces valuable alkaline minerals. This is an excellent screening for mineral deficiency and overall stress of the body.

"Zinc" Testing

Zinc is without a doubt the most deficient mineral in the American diet. It is an important mineral for enzyme production and essential co-factor of the immune and the reproductive systems. Over 90% of clients show signs of zinc insufficiency. This simple test will indicate your zinc status.

Most Fitness and Weight Loss Centers place more importance on calories in, calories out. At Better Body we believe we are not what we eat as much as what we digest, absorb, assimilate and eliminate. Once we know what foods we are sensitive to or foods we have difficulty breaking down, we are well ahead of correcting our health and weight issues.

Remember, you can eat the healthiest food and take the best of supplements but if you have a faulty digestive or elimination system you will continue having difficulty losing weight or obtaining good health unless you focus on correcting your digestive system and fixing your plumbing first.


When it comes to your health and nutritional diet there are
normally 8 problems that predominantly make it difficult to lose weight!

  1. Poor Digestion & Assimilation
  2. Toxic Bowel
  3. Sluggish Liver
  4. Hypoglycemia
  5. Adrenal Exhaustion
  6. Yeast Overgrowth
  7. Food Allergies
  8. Chemical Hypersensitivity


You are not what you eat as much as what you digest, assimilate and eliminate. You can eat the healthiest of foods and consume the highest quality of supplements but if your digestive system is out of whack your body will not fully absorb the nutrients you are feeding it. Digestion is all about breaking down food from large molecules to small ones while assimilation is all about transporting those nutrients across the membranes of the gastrointestinal tract into the bloodstream and lymph system where eventually they are carried into the cells throughout the body for utilization.

Our digestive system is the most abused system we women have. If you suffer from indigestion, heartburn, burping, bloating, gas, abdominal cramps, constipation, diarrhea, coated tongue, bad breath or body odor..your body may be trying to tell you that you have a faulty digestive system.


The colon is your body's disposal system. The time it takes for food to travel the length of the entire gastrointestinal tract (30 feet) is approximately 18 to 36 hours. The large and small intestines are home for over 400 different kinds of microorganisms, mostly bacteria and some fungi. These bacteria feed on the fermentable carbohydrates in our diet ( found in grains, beans, vegetables, fruits and lactose from milk products.)

An inadequate amount of fiber in your diet can cause a decrease in the number of favorable intestinal bacteria and an increase in unfavorable organisms. This is the beginning of dysbiosis -- toxic bowel syndrome. Years of poor health, reliance on medications and stress can throw our intestinal ecology severely out of kilter causing a variety of illnesses as well as weight gain. Fatigue, depression, impaired immune function, obesity to chronic constipation, gas, acne and lower back pain are primary symptoms of a toxic colon.

Many conditions associated with an unhealthy colon are food cravings, fatigue, insomnia, irritability, anxiety, depression, headaches and allergies. When the flow of toxins from the colon becomes too heavy, the lymph can become blocked and cause toxins to back up throughout the body. A clean colon aids in digestion and the ability to metabolize food. Toxic-by-products from the colon can drain the body of energy, lower metabolism and overburden other detoxifying organs, such as liver and kidneys.

By the way, detoxification and permanent weight loss go hand-in-hand. Once the colon is clean, the metabolism is more likely to work as it should, and when that happens, a major obstacle to weight loss is eliminated.


The liver is the primary site of detoxification, protecting us from both environmental and metabolic poisons. In addition to its detoxification role, the liver is a primary metabolic site responsible for processing proteins, carbohydrates and fats. The liver has an immense capacity to tough out dietary and chemical abuse.

When your bowel function diminishes, these toxins are reabsorbed and sent back to the liver. Eventually your liver becomes overwhelmed and its other functions are compromised. Sooner or later the toxins enter your general circulation, creating a condition of impure blood.


A simple sugar such as sucrose (table sugar) is so small that it can be absorbed intact into the lining of the small intestine, where it quickly enters the bloodstream. When you eat food containing this simple sugar many sugar molecules rush into your bloodstream, causing an abrupt rise in blood sugar level. In susceptible individuals, these suddenly elevated levels of blood sugar create an abnormal, emergency situation for the pancreas, which then secretes an abnormally high level of insulin. You don't want that since insulin is also the "fat storing hormone."


The adrenal glands determine your response to stress. Adrenal insufficiency is suffered by tens of millions of American women. Its incidence is rising every year largely due to worsening nutritional deficiencies from an over-processed food diet and chronic mental and emotional strain. The adrenal glands are the primary organs for fighting stress. Virtually all women with adrenal insufficiency also suffer from severe allergic tendencies, because the adrenals are the primary means for preventing or reversing allergic reactions.


Listen up, ladies!
Candida Albicans is a yeast-like fungus normally present in your body. An unhealthy overgrowth of these microbes can result in a variety of conditions. Yeast overgrowth in your body can lower your metabolism, create food allergies and sugar cravings and interfere with your digestion of sugars. Symptoms usually include fatigue, migraines, depression, muscle pain, out-of-control food cravings and weight gain.

Yeast overgrowth often goes undetected for years. Doctors regularly treat us for localized yeast infections in the vaginal tract, but many do not consider that these same yeasts are able to cause illnesses by migrating throughout your body. When this happens Candida can cause you to develop food allergies by burrowing into and damaging your intestinal lining. These food allergies can also lead to weight gain by slowing the body's metabolic rate. They can also trigger the overproduction of insulin, the hormone that controls blood sugar levels.

Allergies may also cause food-binging behavior, bloating, fluid retention, cravings (particularly carbohydrates and sugars) and food addictions. Your symptoms can range from skin rashes, fatigue, and digestive difficulties to joint pains, food cravings and emotional problems. The one classic symptom of Candida in women is excess body weight and the weight gain can range between 15 pounds and 50 pounds.

Why? Because Candida affects the thyroid gland, the endocrine gland that is responsible for controlling your metabolism. A yeast infection in your body interferes with your body's ability to use thyroid hormones and may even block your hormones from entering cells. This leads to many of the symptoms associated with hypothyroidism (low thyroid function) including feelings of sluggishness, cold extremities and low body temperature. The thyroid hormones regulate how your body burns calories from food - when their effectiveness is impaired, the excess calories are stored as fat, resulting in weight gain.


Parasite infections are often thought to cause weight loss yet can also be behind chronic obesity. Harmful parasites cause our bodies to lose their biological balance by secreting toxins and damaging vital organs. Most women who have parasites don't know it. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, one in six Americans is host to a parasite. Among the conditions that can be caused by parasites are fatigue, hypoglycemia, skin problems, arthritis-like symptoms, depression.


Food allergy/intolerance is extremely common in the United States. Up to 50% of symptoms seen in medical practitioner offices are related to food sensitivity. Symptoms may be mild to debilitating. Food allergy reactions can show up in nearly any organ or part of your body. An allergic reaction is an inflammation or irritation of tissues caused by an interaction between a "foreign" sensitizing substance and one of a variety of the body's defense mechanisms.

Whether you have an autoimmune condition, hay fever, or food allergies, allergic or allergic-like phenomena all create inflammation. The inflammation may happen in your joints, arthritis and stiffness can occur. In your muscles there can be myalgias or muscle aches. If in the bladder there can be increased symptoms of increased frequency of urination or recurrent bladder infections. In the bowel, allergies can cause diarrhea, constipation, spastic colon, bloating and gas.


All of us face a constant barrage of environmental chemicals in our daily lives. Approximately 3000 chemicals are deliberately added to food, and over 700 have been identified in drinking water. Add to this the number of pharmaceutical and recreational street drugs and the chemical exposure we face becomes overwhelming. Common daily sources of chemical exposures are household chemicals, pesticides, ozone, household chemicals, combustion products, automobile vapors, chlorinated and fluoridated water, fluorocarbons, formaldehydes.